such a quote from a game that ask me to improve my english ~
so, i'll try to improve my english start from my blog !! =D
tapi pastinya pake indonesia kalo ad yg kagak ngerti ~ 

yeah ~
ud brp lama kagak post nich ? =P
mumpung minggu, ya post" aja de isi waktu..
bsk ud ulgn de ~ >.<
ini jadwalnya..
- Monday : Mathematics + Mandarin
- Tuesday : Science + Agama
- Wednesday : English (R+W) + PKn
- Thursday : BI + IPS
- Friday : English (listening)
wish me luck !! 

o ya !
my mom is home !
she went to Kuching because my grandma had to operate her backbone ( i think ) ~
i got 1 new bag !
it's body glove you know ? =D
not only me ~
jardine, my brother have 1 small bag too.. stuff stuff stuff !! 

la la la !
now i'm waiting for new watch from my dad ~ =D
i get bored of audition and try to play some games on FB and also upload many photos ~ 

and now, back to FB ! RC RC ! =D
thaa ~
tralalalalaa !