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  1. Chinese Wisdom

    Saturday, October 9, 2010

    One day, Confucius asked his students:
    1. What's the nearest thing in the world?
    There are parents, teachers, friends, siblings.
    The nearest thing in the world is a DEATH because
    DEATH always occurs in humans' life.

    2. What's the furthest thing in the world?
    There are moon, sun, stars.
    The furthest thing in the world is OUR PAST.
    We can't go back to OUR PAST whoever you are
    or how rich you are, so we've to use our days wisely.

    3. What's the biggest thing in the world?
    There are mountains, sun, earth.
    The biggest thing in the world is BAD PASSION.
    BAD PASSION leads us to wrong way.

    4. What's the heaviest thing in the world?
    There are elephants, steels, houses.
    The heaviest thing in the world is CONTROLLING YOUR

    5. What's the lightest thing in the world?
    There are cottons, ashes, leafs.
    The lightest thing in the world is LAZINESS TO

    6. What's the sharpest thing in the world?
    There are knifes, swords.
    The sharpest thing in the world is YOUR TONGUE.
    YOUR TONGUE hurts someone through its bad words.

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