hey, i'm back!
it's been.. 1 week since my last post, and i'm going to post something about my weekend, as usual. :D
friday was soo fun! my mom took us to watch The Red and it's soo UH-MA-ZING!
it's about Frank, who retired from CIA, and starts his new life peacefully. acts like a man, looking for a girlfriend in different way, and writes. but, he backs to CIA with his 3 best buddies for a reason, killing the Vice President. a short film with laughs, tears, friendships, and actions in it.

you should watch it, the best film with Bruce Willis in it. :P
and yesterday, my mom took us eat lamongan. they served a lots of spicy food and i could not handle myself to drink 2 glasses of ice-tea. :D
sunday, ooh i hate sunday. i've no places to go, AGAIN. watching TV and tweeting are my activities for today. biology test is ahead, and i'm not in good mood for studying. cheating and 'team work' are the best way for doing the test tomorrow!
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